December 7, 2016 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Highbanks Society
317 19 St NW
Calgary, AB T2N 2J2
gro Ops

gro SEEDING Event

For Members only – space will be limited

We will gather in the warm, communal kitchen of one of our favourite Not-For-Profits led by gro member Patricia Glenn: the Highbanks Society.

We will share updates from our personal gro’wth charts while baking tasty, nutritious, festive treats to share with the young moms and their families who live at Highbanks.

In lieu of registration fees we ask you to bring a warm pair of reading socks or mitts/gloves for the Highbanks residents.  Grocery gift cards in any amount, tea or bath salts are also welcome.

Will you join us?

RSVP by December 5th to curious@getgroing.ca, subject line YES to gro Seeding Event. 

Please note space will be limited to 10 members.  Register now to reserve your spot for this meaningful opportunity to gro.
