Week 7 ♥ C u r a t e d C u r i o s i t i e s
Here are some of the gems we’ve come across over the last week – enjoy!
Keep Smiling.
Be Healthy. Stay Home. Wash Your Hands.
Get gro’ing. ♥
Tarting: Remember “Milton”, the pop-tarts toaster, or these other staples of our pop-tart culture through the decades? Click here to make your own covid-kitchen pop tarts.
Tie Dye-ing: remember trying this in Grade 7? Give it another go at home while you freshen up for spring. Take it a step further and sign up for Irene Rasetti’s online floral bundle dyeing online workshop.
Exploring: beautiful footage, virtual tours, live webcams: take a road trip from your current cozy spot.
Assholing: An entertaining and important discussion on assholery!
Frogging: Symphony in “F Major” – spring is here, turn this up. And of course, the classic Kermit ear worm. You’re welcome.
Schutzing: One of our favourite artists/designers Amanda is offering her illustrations for download, colouring, inspiring.
(Re)Growing: Grow your own veggies from veg scraps at home.
Quoting: Spring comes on its own schedule, but we can also participate in its regeneration.We can plant seeds and cut flowers, we lighten our wardrobes and make time to be outdoors. What spring reminds me is that we don’t just have to wait for things to begin again. Through small actions, we create our own renewal. Click here for more ideas for movement in your life from Ingrid Fetell.
Casting: take an immersive podcast journey through the surprising moments and challenges that shaped someone’s life before they were famous. Try and figure out who “you” are with the clues that are dropped along the way. ”Imagined Life” shows just how connected we all are.
Racing: Olive and Mabel, racing to finish their food – live coverage by BBC. “Olive focused, relentless. Tasting absolutely nothing.” 🙂
Do you have things to share? We know you do.
Send us your contributions, your ideas, your finds
tag us @getgroing #groawkwardbravekind ♥